One voice for police leadership in British Columbia
Decades of leadership
The British Columbia Association of Chiefs of Police (BCACP) is an association representing the senior police leadership of both the RCMP and Municipal police within British Columbia. There are also associate members from various law enforcement and other agencies.
The purpose of the BCACP is to encourage and develop co-operation amongst all its members in the pursuit and attainment of their goals, promoting a high standard of ethics, integrity, honour, and conduct, fostering uniformity of police practices, encouraging the development and implementation of efficient and effective practices in the prevention and detection of crime, and effectively communicating problems and concerns to appropriate levels of authority.
Refining the Standard
The BC Association of Chiefs of Police meets three times a year to discuss common policing issues and maintain our strong relationships with one another.
Making a Difference
The BC Association of Chiefs of Police has over twenty Standing and Special Purpose Committees that focus on specific mandates and key issues. You can find out what each committee is committed to pursuing here.
Sponsorship Opportunities
There are many ways to support and contribute to our initiatives. Join us in making a lasting impact and shaping the future of policing.

Statement on Diversion of Prescription Medication
February 19, 2025 Statement on Diversion of Prescription Medication Victoria, BC – The British Columbia Association of Chiefs of Police (BCACP) welcomes today’s announcement from the Province of British Columbia regarding the implementation of additional safeguards around safe supply programs to prevent the diversion of prescription medication. Ensuring that prescribed

Statement on Decriminalization
November 28, 2024 BCACP Statement on Decriminalization. Advocating for a Health-Led Approach The British Columbia Association of Chiefs of Police (BCACP) stands in alignment with the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police (CACP) in its position on decriminalization and its role in addressing the ongoing toxic drug crisis. The

Provincial Announcement on Decriminalization
In British Columbia, we know all too well the severity of the toxic drug crisis. On April 14th, 2016, it was deemed a public health emergency in British Columbia. Since this time, tragically, more than 14,000 British Columbians have died from accidental overdose. In recognition of the magnitude of this
Become a Member
The BC Association of Chiefs of Police is made up of all RCMP detachments and Municipal departments in British Columbia, along with key stakeholders who have a tie to policing. Our members meet three times annually to discuss key issues, solutions and strategies to make effective and positive changes. To become a member, you must submit an application to the BC Association of Chiefs of Police executive, which is then reviewed through a two-step member process.